Sunnier days: a collection of poems about the lovely things that make us human

this collection (unfortunately) has not been finished yet, but i wanted to share what i had. this page and the front page will be updated once it is done!


If there is a god You can find her in every early morning When its just a little too cold, And your just a little too tired But contentedness leaks through every pore all the same as you Stand, sit, inside, outside, On a soft, worn old couch or cold leather car seats, The day not begun and already over The morning just this single moment, You arent alone If there is a god You can feel him in the buzz of a crowded street after a celebration The party still not over-how could it be, when we’re all still so close together? Strangers and yet closer than family, if only for this walk home. If there is a god It surely exists in the catharsis of a good cry, Of letting it out, Of letting yourself down Of waking up tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow. Surely it exists within you When you decide you want to die, When you beg yourself not to Surely thats divinity, The trying? The failing? If there is such thing as a god. If there is, Maybe hes proud of you, In the mcdonalds bathroom And in your bed And in someone elses Maybe shes proud of you Alone at night Or surrounded by friends Or surrounded by enemies Maybe being proud of someone is unconditional Maybe im proud of you too.